
GOTTHARD Official statement of the surviving bike-group members [GOTTHARD]


STEVE LEE [5th Aug, 1963 † 5th Oct, 2010] KEEP ROCKIN'

I am very very sad now. Steve Lee... rest in peace...


- Official statement of the surviving bike-group members -

On the afternoon of October 5th 2010 our group, consisting of 22 male and female bikers on 12 Harley Davidsons, was on its way from Las Vegas to St. George, Utah, in bright weather.

About 15 miles from Mesquite, a severe thunderstorm began. One of the bikes started to have some technical problems with its ignition, so we stopped on the breakdown lane and switched on our warning lights. The last guy in the group was reminding us to be very careful with the traffic passing by, so we paid attention. At the same time it started to rain more heavily, so the group decided to put on rain gear.

A truck was speeding towards the group. For some inexplicable reason, the very heavy truck crashed into several of our bikes. The impact was so severe that one of the bikes was thrown into the air, hit Steve and crushed him to the ground. The group immediately secured the accident area and started to give him first aid.

At the same time we dialled the emergency number 911 and after a few minutes the first police car arrived. The patrolman had brought a defibrillator and, with our help, he immediately started to apply it. In the meantime, in the pouring rain, we all started working together to try to save Steve's life. A couple of minutes later, a second police car arrived and brought a complete set of first aid equipment. A helicopter also arrived. During all that time resuscitation attempts were maintained. After long minutes of trying, the doctor had to confirm that Steve was dead.

Miraculously, no other person in the group was injured. We are all aware that it could have been any one of us – and it could have even been the whole group.

Together with the local police, our tour guides organised the transport for us all to a nearby hotel in Mesquite. The hotel offered us a quiet room in which we could mourn, talk to each other and cry together.
We all agree that the tour guides prepared and handled our trip very professionally. Our group still trusts the guides 100%.

Steve’s loss is an incredible tragedy for all of us. Together we are trying to get over all the grieving and the pain and to be there for each other. It is a very hard time for all of us.

Steve Lee’s lifelong dream to drive just once through the USA, on a Harley, should have come true during these two weeks. After we started our trip in Los Angeles, we passed Death Valley and Las Vegas. Our next stop would have been St. George in Utah, from where we had planned to head for Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon and Monument Valley. This was to have been the place where Steve planned to surprise Brigitte with some very special Indian jewellery. To show her Las Vegas and to enjoy together the special atmosphere there was one of his greatest wishes for the trip.

"One thing is for sure", Brigitte says, "I have never seen Steve as happy as during these last days." She is utterly devastated, but is finding comfort within the group now. We will be forever connected after this tragedy.


GOTTHARD official announcement  [GOTTHARD]


STEVE LEE [5th Aug, 1963 † 5th Oct, 2010] KEEP ROCKIN'

I am very very sad now. Steve Lee... rest in peace...

- GOTTHARD official announcement -

Dear Fans and Friends, the inconceivable is tragic reality – Steve Lee was killed in an accident yesterday.

Steve was killed accidentally during a motorcycle trip in the USA on Interstate 15 between Mesquite and Las Vegas and died at the scene.

The GOTTHARD singer had flown to the U.S. with some biker friends just this weekend to fulfil a long-cherished dream for which he’d never had the time, due to his heavy touring schedule for many years. It was to be two weeks through the states on a Harley Davidson. The 21 Swiss bikers started their journey on Sunday on a total of 12 motorcycles. On Tuesday 5 October, about 50 miles from Las Vegas, the group had stopped at the roadside to put on their rain gear as it had started to rain. On the slippery road, the trailer of a passing truck began to skid. The driver attempted evasive action but his trailer clipped five of the motorcycles parked at the roadside; one of them hit Steve Lee. Rescue services attempted resuscitation but efforts were stopped after 20 minutes. At 16:13 local time, Steve Lee was pronounced dead.

Among the passengers were bassist Marc Lynn and Steve’s partner Brigitte Voss Balzarini. All other fellow riders were unharmed. Steve Lee was 47 years old.

With Steve Lee, we not only lose one of the world's best rock voices but also a good friend who due to his sensitivity and down-to-earth personality always met the people around him with respect.

It will take some time till we fully understand what has happened.

Our heartfelt thoughts are with his family.

Letters of condolence:
Gotthard Music GmbH
Grossmatte Ost 2
CH-6014 Littau


by - SonicWhite -

DOMINO EFFECT Japan Tour, Shibuya O-east, 18th Sep 2007 でのライブで GOTTHARD を観たのが最初で最後になってしまった。。。 Steve Lee の声はエモーショナルで、それはそれは素晴らしいヴォーカルを聴かせてくれた。確か Steve Lee は最初はドラマーだったと思う。でも、誰かがヴォーカリストになることを進め歌うことになり、 GOTTHARD というバンドが誕生した。 GOTTHARD との出会いは 1st で Vivian Campbell がゲスト参加したことでバンドの存在を知った。2nd の DIAL HARD に収録されている "Mountain Mama" を PRTで聴いて GOTTHARD にはまり、3rd の "G." で完全に夢中になりました。でも、その後、アコーステック色が強くなり、だんだんと離れてしまった。でも、 HUMAN ZOO で再びロック色が強くなり、 "Top Of The World" を PRTで聴いて再び GOTTHARD にはまっていき、DOMINO EFFECT では、さらにロック色が強くなり、 "The Call" を PRTで聴いて、なんて良いバラードなんだと思い再び夢中になりライブを観に行くことにしました。ライブで Steve Lee は白のシャツにジーンズという装いやマイクスタンド捌きが、どこか David Coverdale を彷彿とさせ、本当に素晴らしいライブだったし本当に観ることができて良かった。去年も単独公演があったら絶対に観に行ってたのにな。もう、 Steve Lee の感情表現豊かに歌う姿が観れないと思うと残念でしかたがない。 Steve Lee が敬愛する David Coverdale が Steve Lee に追悼のコメントを WHITESNAKE の BBSで語っています(涙)。 「How very sad... Our thoughts & prayers go to Steve´s family & friends at this tragic time...」 。 Steve Lee 享年47歳。謹んで心よりご冥福をお祈りします。合掌。。。

The Call / GOTTHARD - my favorite song -

Sad news. GOTTHARD's vocalist Steve Lee killed in accident [GOTTHARD]

- Sad news. GOTTHARD's vocalist Steve Lee killed in accident -

GOTTHARD - singer Steve Lee - fatal accident in America!
Las Vegas - The world has lost one of its greatest rock singers: GOTTHARD front-man Steve Lee was killed accidentally during a motorcycle trip in the USA on Interstate 15 between Mesquite and Las Vegas and died at the scene.

The GOTTHARD singer had flown to the U.S. with some biker friends just this weekend to fulfil a long-cherished dream for which he'd never had the time, due to his heavy touring schedule for many years. It was to be two weeks through the states on a Harley Davidson. The 21 Swiss bikers started their journey on Sunday on a total of 12 motorcycles. On Tuesday 5 October, about 50 miles from Las Vegas, the group had stopped at the roadside to put on their rain gear as it had started to rain. On the slippery road, the trailer of a passing truck began to skid. The driver attempted evasive action but his trailer clipped five of the motorcycles parked at the roadside; one of them hit Steve Lee. Rescue services attempted resuscitation but efforts were stopped after 20 minutes. At 16:13 local time, Steve Lee was pronounced dead.

Among the passengers were GOTTHARD bassist Marc Lynn and Lee's girlfriend Brigitte Voss Balzarini. All other fellow riders were unharmed. Steve Lee was 48 years old.

With Steve Lee, we not only lose one of the world's best rock voices but also an extraordinary personality. Despite his enormous success, the Ticino singer had retained a very subtle eye for detail and often impressed the people around him with his sensitive observation. Due to his personality, he had a serious outlook, without losing his sense of humour and lust for life. Steve Lee met his environment with respect but always had, in his gentle way, a very simple, personal touch. He understood like no one else how to enjoy without going too far - to him, alcohol and parties were things he met with level-headedness. The singer sold several million albums throughout his career with GOTTHARD, several of them reaching platinum, double or triple platinum status.

And yet all this bears no relation to the human greatness of Steve Lee on a daily basis.


Sad, tragic and heartbreaking news has just broken - Steve Lee, the hugely respected voice of Swiss hard rock heroes Gotthard has been killed in a motorbike accident in California. There is no press release or official statement as of yet, but there will be in the hours to follow. News will be updated ASAP. Swiss news reports:
My personal heartfelt condolences go to his family and band mates and friends...and all the fans of Gotthard. R.I.P. Steve - a true hero of the melodic rock scene.

信じられない。。。 ライブでの Steve Lee の感情表現豊かに歌うヴォーカルは、個人的に Top5に入る。もちろん、GOTTHARD の曲も良いし、もう、Steve Lee の歌う姿が観れないと思うと残念でしかたがない。。。 48歳。まだまだ若すぎる。。。 rest in peace...
